One of my new favorite websites is http://www.ecorazzi.com/. This is People Magazine gone green. It has stories about film stars, fashion designers and models, singers, etc. All the stories and people they write about are somehow involved in green projects. They write about Ed Begley and his lastest green additions to his home.
Recently I looked at their fashion section, and found that the fashion industry is indeed going green.Project Green Search is a modeling comeptition for those who have strong beliefs that they don't want to wear leather or fur, or in some cases, fabrics that are not eco friendly. The finalists compete in Portland, Oregon for a modeling contract. Great idea.
One of the hottest names in the fashion world is Stella McCartney. Her entire line of clothing is cruelty free. She uses no leather or fur in any of her designs.
Heather Mills is new to the fashion industry, but has been an ativist and an advocate for a greener planet for years. She is in the process of opening a vegan cafe. Also, she has a new eco-culture enterprise called Be@1. Her concept is to restyle and rcycle charity shop clothing and resell it. The outcome is that this will reduce old clothing that is dumped in landfills.
Pamela Anderson is also getting into the act. Her company is called Muse, ready to launch in the fall in New York. Her line of eco friendly casual clothes, swimwear and shoes will be made without any animal products.
Alanis Morisett and Woddy Harrelson have launched a new line of blue jeans, or should I say green jeans, called Reco Jeans. Their jeans are made from 50%recycled denim.
Soleil Moon Frye (Punky Brewster from the 80's sitcom AND former third grade student of mine) has just produced a line of eco clothing for tots. She got involved in the project because her children had allergies to many of the traditional clothes. Her line is called The Little Seed, and she had the likes of Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore at her opening.
So awareness and respect for the planet is no longer something out there on the fringe. It's as mainstream as it gets, and everyone is getting into the act. We now have choices when we purchase clothes and shoes. We have a choice of where it's made and by whom, and how it will affect the planet. Choice is a good thing.
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