I'm not one to believe in miracles, but what has been unfolding in Chile over the past 69 days is nothing short of miraculous. I have been rivited by the courage, determination and will of the men involved in this dramatic rescue. This is one of the most amazing events I have ever witnessed. On so many levels it gives me hope for mankind and for our ability to overcome any obstacle, and hope that we will some day learn to "just get along".
I cannot imagine what this experience has done to the 33 miners who were trapped underground for 69 days, 17 days without food or water and not knowing if anyone was even looking for them. Yet they survived and thrived. Men became leaders, medics, poets, entertainers, videographers and much more. Remember, these are just ordinary men, many with less than a high school education in many cases, who rose to the occasion. The situation called upon each of them to become extraordinary, and they did.
How did it happen that this band of 33 miners, ages 19-63 organized a mini society, with leaders and rules. I think of the classic novel "Lord of the Flies", and what happened to the group of children in that story. In the book, all that the children knew of civilized society was abandoned and lawlessness took over with tragic results. In the Chilean mine disaster, the trapped men became a cohesive unit, each one with a specific job to do, and each focused on getting through the ordeal with body and mind in tact. Yes, they had help from above. I'm speaking of the men and women who counseled them, guided them, advised them, during the ordeal. If you asked the trapped men who guided them, they may have a more spiritual reply, as their faith helped many of them survive.
We hear so often the stories of men and women in difficult situations and how they cope. POW's, holocaust survivors, stranded boaters and hostages come to mind. They form a bond for life that no others can understand. They will forever share a unique experience with the group. The fact that these men handled their ordeal with such grace and strength of character, is what I so admire.
Each of these men became so much more than they probably ever thought they could during this 69 day experience. Their lives are changed forever. My life is changed forever knowing what they went through. It shows what man can do. Just about anything. It gives me great hope for the future of mankind in a time where there isn't a whole lot about which to be hopeful.
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