Our boogie boarding group is evolving. We now do several other water related activities together, like rent little putt putt boats in Balboa, kayak, and most recently, stand up paddleboard. I was reluctant at first, thinking my bad knee would be a problem, but after I saw that everyone else was going, I decided to join in. Worst case would be that I wouldn't be able to get up and I would spend an hour paddling on the board sitting down.
About 15 of us went to Mission Bay on the most perfect day you can imagine. Warm temperatures, clear skies, and a light wind. Debbie served as our photographer, in addition to putting the trip together for us. She's got a bad knee and decided to pass. She captured many images I would not want anyone to see, like the one of me going from my knees on the paddleboard to a standup position. Not pretty, but it worked. There are several ways to get up on the paddleboard, the most recommended one being to stand in calf high water and just step on. I could see that wouldn't work for me, so I got on my knees, and from there went to a downward facing dog position (sort of), and then stood up. I was shaky for a few minutes, but if you keep moving and look at the horizon you're pretty safe. We were out on the bay for an hour, and was it ever fun! After about 45 minutes the bottoms of my feet started to tire, as did my knee. I have new found respect for the paddleboarders I see, especially those in the ocean. How they keep their balance is beyond me.
Athletes have added a new twist to stand up paddleboarding. It's yoga on the paddleboard. I watched 5 women perform sun salutations, downward facing dog, cobra, tree pose, planks, and much more on the water. I was amazed. What great balance they had, and great concentration. I don't think I could ever do that.
All in all it was a great day, except for one thing. As we were getting ready to leave and go to lunch, we realized that Sue was not with the group, and nobody remembered seeing her out on the water. After searching everywhere, she finally came into shore. She had gotten too far out in the bay and couldn't get back! Luckily a young man saw her struggling and helped her. It's a good reminder that we need to watch one another. It all turned out ok, we went off to Olive Café in Mission Bay for lunch (great lunch but so many flies), and returned home with great stories to tell, and some good pictures, thanks to our friend Debbie. (the picture above is not of anyone in our group, although we'd all like to look those gals)
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