Monday, December 26, 2016

Holiday Traditions

Christmas is over, but Hanukkah is just getting started.  It seems like the holiday season just goes on and on and on.  Traditions are a big part of both Christmas and Hanukkah, and everyone has their favorites.  For Hanukkah, my favorite tradition is making and eating latkes.  Better still is a latke party!  No one can resist a party where the main event is eating latkes with applesauce and sour cream.  When the kids are around, playing dreidel is another fun tradition.  This year we were without children and grandchildren, so our Christmas dinner was at our favorite Chinese restaurant.  A movie and Chinese food is one of our Christmas traditions.

Christmas baking is another holiday traditions that many families take part in.  Grandmas, moms and kids spend the day baking holiday cookies to enjoy themselves and give away.  Another popular Christmas tradition is to watch Christmas movies, like It's a Wonderful Life.  Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, this tradition is one that I love.

Buying each child an ornament each year is another Christmas tradition.  It's one that usually is passed from generation to generation.  My personal favorite tradition, is to play nothing but Christmas music from Thanksgiving until the new year.  I love Christmas music.  I have two stations set in my car so that I can enjoy it as I drive around.

Finally, a holiday tradition told to me by my friend Renee, that I just love.  She and her family (adults and older children only) spend a day together watching movies and having lunch and dinner together.  It's sort of a movie marathon, that they plan in advance.  They vote on which movies they're going to see together.  They see one in the morning, then have lunch, then two more movies, then dinner, and I think one more movie after dinner.  I'm exhausted just thinking about it.  Renee is the one to ask if you want to know which new movies are worth seeing.

Spending time with family and friends is really what the holidays are all about.  Any tradition you develop just adds to this special time.  We all create our own traditions.  That's what makes us each unique and special.

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