Monday, January 23, 2017

Brian Turns 50!

When I first met Ron in June of 1969, his son Brian was 2 1/2 years old.  I feel like I've known him forever.  I am reminiscing about the past because Brian just celebrated his 50th birthday last Friday!  I wrote this blog as we were getting ready to leave for LA.  Brian planned a family dinner at Il Fornaio in Beverly Hills for that evening.  Rain or shine ( and it was raining) Ron and I would be there.

A lot has happened in the past 48 years since I first met Brian.  In the beginning, we only had the pleasure of his company on weekends.  We would take him to visit Ron's parents, Anita and Bill often.  They adored him.  We'd take him to the  pony rides in Beverly hills, the park, or to my parents house, for a game of hide and seek.  He loved playing  hide and seek.  As he got a little older, Ron got involved in Little League at Rancho Park, which gave us an opportunity to spend more time with him.  I think we all remember  our afternoons, either as player, coach or fan, fondly.  Those were great times.  When Brian was in middle school, Judy and Ron decided that it would be best if Brian came to live with us.  I was thrilled at the idea, and so, for the next 10 years I had three boys at home.  Our home was always busy with friends from school, baseball team parties, and sleepovers.

After college Brian was busy with his career, so dating and marriage was put on the back burner until much later.  Finally, at age 40, Brian met match, Beth.  They married soon after they met, and Ryan and Spencer came along a few years later.  With the family complete, Brian and Beth bought a home in Woodland Hills and settled down to raise a family.

In between there have been births, deaths, illnesses, vacations and so much more.  What a great time we've had together, and here's to many more happy years, Brian.  I hope I will be around for most of it!

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