Monday, November 19, 2018

The Rights of Saudi Women

Although the right of women in Saudi Arabia to drive was granted last year, very little in a woman's world has changed there.  When women first received the right to drive, licenses were slow to be given out.  Things are better now, but much of how women are treated in Saudi Arabia has not changed.

Women are still unable to interact with men, unless they are related.  In public, they must have a male relative with them at all times.  Also, Saudi women are not allowed to swim in public.  How could they?  They would surely not be allowed to wear a bathing suit.  Women in this highly restrictive society cannot wear clothes or make up that show off their beauty.  They are unable to try on clothes in a shopping center, because the idea of them undressing in a dressing room is unthinkable. I have heard that in private, wealthy Saudi women wear very expensive designer clothes and makeup.  Only other women see how beautiful they really are.

Until the last Olympics, Saudi women were unable to compete in international sports.  As it turned out, the few women that did compete in the last Olympics were called prostitutes by the religious clerics.

Giving women the right to drive has helped improve the economy of Saudi Arabia.  Now women are more likely to work and shop, even if they need a male relative with them for shopping.  Saudi Arabia operates under Sharia Law, with strict punishment for those that break the rules.  With the #me too movement taking off worldwide, Saudi Arabia will be forced to rethink their treatment of women, and loosen men's dominance.  I hope this happens soon.  These women have suffered long enough.

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