Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Going Green At The Y

I go to the Y almost everyday, and I usually stop for a cup of coffee at their coffee and tea bar after working out. The Y provides free tea and three different kinds of coffee. Well, recently I noticed a new sign next to the coffee and tea. It asked members to bring their own container for coffee and tea, and here's why. The Ecke Y in Encinitas uses 18,000 cups per month! That means they are using and throwing away (not recycling) 216,000 cups per year. And this is just one Y. I started thinking about the ramifications of using this amount of cups for the Y and immediately went to my cupboard to get one of the many reusable containers I have. I plan to carry it with me to the Y, just like I would a water bottle. Then I can drink coffee or tea before or after my workout, guilt free.

Now I'm thinking about how many gyms there are just in this area, and how much paper is being wasted and thrown in landfills just from gyms. It must be millions of cups every year, and it's just not necessary. It's really no different than bringing your own reusable bags to the market. By now most of us are in the habit of carrying reusable bags with us at all times and using them at the supermarket. We can do the same for our coffee and tea at the gym, or for that matter at Starbucks or Coffee Bean. (or your favorite coffee shop) Several years ago our weight management group started bring reusable containers to the local coffee house for our Monday meetings. Not only did we save a paper cup, but the coffee shop always gave us free refills because we brought our own containers.

All of this is just habit. It's just one more thing to carry in your car. Then the challenge is to remember to bring it into the gym or Starbucks or the market. Change is difficult, but this is a habit worth developing. Think of the cups we can save every year just by this one little change. If you see me at the Y or a coffee house without my own cup, please remind me of what I said here. I AM going to make this change, just as I did with canvas bags a few years ago. I hope you can too.

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