Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stupid Fees

More and more we are seeing outrageous fees imposed on consumers, and frankly, I don't know what we can do about them. Fees are everywhere, from the airline industry, to banking, to restaurants, to phone termination, to cable tv service.

Some of the stupidest fees are listed below. If you've got some that I forgot, please let me know.

1. Boarding pass fees...Not only do some airlines charge for the boarding pass, but they charge a $10 fee for making the reservation!! In addition, you now pay for a seat, a meal and to check your luggage.

2. Bank fees...there are many, such as fees for using your debit card, but how about charging to pay your bill online? Bank of America tried to do this, but customer backlash made them change their minds

3. Early termination...Direct TV or Dish TV generally charge an early termination fee. This fee also applies to cell phones.

4. New service fee...I was on the phone with AT&T the other day, changing my long distance plan. At the end of the conversation, the woman at ATT told me there would be a $7.50 for changing service. Are they kidding? I got that fee waived.

5. Restaurants will often charge a cancellation fee (they take your credit card in advance) for customers that cancel last minute on Valentine's Day, New Year's Eve, and other important occasions. They could get stuck with an empty table on the busiest night of the year.

6. Many doctors now charge a cancellation if you don't give 24 hours notice. The same is true for some hairdressers.

7. Hotel fees. Leave earlier than you planned, and many hotels now charge a fee for leaving early. Can you believe it? Also, many hotels charge an additional "resort" fee.

These are just a few of the many new fees that businesses have found to increase their revenue. I bet you have some personal favorites that I have not mentioned. I'd love to hear them. I have learned that you must always ask about fees. They're going to show up on some bill soon, so beware.

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