Monday, April 23, 2012

It's Earth Day

I can't believe it was over three years ago that I wrote my first blog. Since then I've written over 800 blogs, and I'm still going strong. I couldn't let Earth Day pass with a mention of the things I now do without thinking, to reduce my footprint on the earth. I haven't really focused on reducing my footprint over the past year, but my good habits are making a difference and saving me some money. Here are a few of the things I do to help improve our planet. 1. Wash laundry in cold water only. Wash only full loads. 2. Empty my trunk of all the junk. This saves gas. 3. Keep the heat off at night, and add an extra blanket. 4. Close vents in rooms you don't use. 5. Cut back water usage in the yard by reducing time of automatic sprinklers by 20%. 6. Turn down the water heater about 20%. 7. Eat more leftovers. I found I was wasting so much food, but now I try to reuse leftover meat and vegetables and turn it into another meal. Most of us waste about 28% of the food we buy. 8. Composte. 9. Recycle paper, plastic and aluminum. 10. Use old newspaper wrappers for doggie poop bags. 11. Always bring canvas bags to supermarket, drug store, or anywhere you may need a bag. I hope some of these behaviors have become habits for you too. I bet you've got some other good ideas that I'd like to know about. Let me know. The more we reduce, reuse and recycle, the happier Mother Earth will be.

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