Friday, April 27, 2012


Thanks, Lynda, to alerting me to an ice cream freebie. Mark your calendar for a free ice cream cone at your local Hagen Dazs on May 8, between 4-8pm. There are so many free food items out there, it's hard to keep track. This one you won't want to miss. Mark your calendar for a freebie at Chic-fil-a on July 13. It's cow appreciation day, and everyone who comes to chic-fil-a for breakfast, lunch or dinner, dressed in either full or partial cow costume gets a free meal (full costume) or free entree (partial costume). Sounds like fun. Subway is always a favorite of mine, and during the month of April, you can get two sandwiches for the price of one if you buy them before 9am. So come to Subway for breakfast, and get your lunch for later. Besides freebies, I recently discovered All of you that are under 35 or have kids or grandkids between 18-35 already know about the website. I just discovered it, and although I haven't figured out all the pinning and repinning, I absolutely love it. For crafty people, cooks, or creative people, this is the site for you. I have already found so many wonderful recipes and cooking ideas. You've got to try it. I have a feeling a lot of the people on the site are young stay at home moms with a lot of time to post stuff. I heard that the company is already worth billions (where do their profits come from?), and that it is run out of a small office in Palo Alto. Go figure. If any of you know in advance about free stuff in the San Diego area, please let me know so I can post if in time for all to enjoy. In the mean time, check these freebies out and get lost in

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