Monday, November 19, 2012

It's Ron's Birthday

Happy Birthday Ron. Today (actually the 17th) is a very big birthday....70! On Saturday we celebrated by having a family party here at home. We were thrilled that all the children, grandchildren, daughter-in-laws (and daughter in law to be), and mom, were all here. It was the first time Ron had ever held Elsa, and he actually got to spend some time getting to know his oldest grandchild, Lennon. This was what he wanted for his birthday, and our family came through. Thank you all. Ron has been home 16 months. Each month he seems stronger and happier than the month before. He is healthy (and working hard to stay that way), happy, and optimistic about his future, our future. I know that sounds odd, that at 70 years of age he should be thinking about his future, but it's really been like starting his financial life over again. Most people are happily in retirement, know what their future financial life will be at age 70, but not Ron. He is trying hard to get a business started, and has some other financial opportunities that look promising. As he says, he wants to do something that's more challenging than sitting on a stool at Costco, talking to people. His opportunity may be right around the corner. Our son David is engaged to be married (June 1), and our other two children are happily married with two children each. My mom is healthy and happy, living on her own in Los Angeles, and for this we are delighted. There's nothing that makes a parent happier than to seeing their children happy in a relationship, and to see their older parents thriving. The other reason Ron is so happy about making it in good health to 70, is his family history. His mom died of liver cancer at age 67. His dad died of pancreatic cancer at 73. Not a good family history, but Ron is doing what he can to beat the odds. Genetics are not in his favor, so he must do everything else he can to maintain good health. Here's to a happy, healthy birthday Ron. You've been through a lot, we've been through a lot, but our positive outlook leads us to believe the best is yet to come. I believe.

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