Back in the 1970's everyone was trying to find themselves. Various forms of psychology became popular. People were into self improvement, and self help books became the rage. Every year, a new form of therapy became the "in" thing. Remember when the Beatles went to India to meditate with the Maharishi? Other Hollywood stars headed to Tibet or India to find themselves. Others went north of LA to the retreat of Werner Erhard, for a weekend retreat, and hopefully a self transformation. I know many people that went to Erhard's workshops in the 1970's seeking fulfillment, peace, and satisfaction. There was always a lot of secrecy surrounding his training. There were rigid rules that had to be adhered to, and little or nothing that went on in the training was shared with the outside world. Did the workshop participants find what they were looking for? Some would probably say they did, but most did not, and moved on to the next psych fad. Werner Erhard says that he had a transformational experience, that broke through the despair and sadness at having wasted his life, and set him free. I'm not exactly sure what this all means, but if it makes people feel better and happier, I'm all for it.
Fast forward to the 21st century and we have a newer program in personal development, based on many of the principals of Werner Erhard. Landmark Education was founded in 1991, and as of 2005, Landmark stated that they had 200,000 participants in all of the courses annually. Landmark purchased certain rights to a presentation known as The Forum from Werner Erhard. Since it's purchase, the name and content have been revised, however the coursework and pedagogy evolved from the work of Erhard. The Landmark Forum takes place over three consecutive days and an evening session. The topics discussed include: there is a big difference between what actually happened in a person's life and the meaning or interpretation they made up about it, people can transform by simply declaring a new way of being instead of trying to change themselves in comparison to the past, course participants are encouraged to call people they know during the course who they are incomplete with and either be in communication with the other person or be responsible for their own behavior, course attendees bring other people to learn about and voluntarily register for an upcoming Landmark Forum (recruit new members). Landmark is the 21century version of EST, with a few new twists and turns. It didn't make much sense to me back in the 1970's (I never went), and it doesn't make any more sense now. For me, the best way to solve personal problems, find strategies that will lead to greater success, or improve myself in any way, is to talk to a friend.
I started walking with Fran about 8 years ago, and we have walked twice a week for the last 8 years. There's not too much she doesn't know about me, or me about her. She has been my answer to EST, Landmark, psychiatry, or any other self improvement program. A great listener, non judgmental, with great ideas. Thanks, Fran, for being my personal self help program.
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