Friday, May 29, 2015

Should The Postal System Be Privatized?

Most of us have complaints about the postal system, especially after a trip to the post office.  Lines are often long, workers are often less than friendly, and shipping packages is getting more expensive all the time.  Would privatizing the post office improve any of this?  I think it's unlikely that much would change, except that prices would go up and delivery time, which is great, would stay the same.

We recently moved to Ocean Hills in Oceanside, and for the first time, have the same postman every day.  He rang my bell when we first moved in to introduce himself, and to let me know that he was there to help in any way he could.  He gave me instructions for what  to do when we're on vacation, too.  I was pleasantly surprised.  This is a far cry from our last neighborhood, where the mail often didn't arrive until after dark (seriously) and I never saw the same postman twice.

Why is the post office in such debt?  Very simply, much of it has to do with laws that Congress has passed demanding that the post office pre pay health benefits for 75 years.  How that happened I do not know, but this is the biggest reason for the post office's deficit.

I'm not saying that the postal service does the best possible job, they don't.  There is lots of governmental waste, but I'm not sure that's reason enough to scrap an agency that employees over 600,000 workers, many of them veterans.  Privatizing the system would only allow another large corporation to make all the money, and it's questionable whether they would do a better job.  What we need to do is get rid of laws that require prepayment of health benefits that are outrageous.  Just my opinion.

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