Monday, October 5, 2015

Technology Changes Our Lives In So Many Ways!

There are so many great advancements in technology that have changed our lives that we sometimes forget the things we used to do that have been left behind.  When you start to think of  what we no longer do that we used to do all the time, it will amaze you.  Here's a short list of some of the things I no longer do that I miss.  Life has become easier, but has it become better?

1.  How many phone numbers do you know by heart today?  How many did you know 30 years ago?  We no longer memorize phone numbers, as everything is on speed dial.  We no longer have phone books either.  Everything is stored in our smart phones, and if we don't have a number, it's easy to look up on the web.  Remember when you could find a pay phone on every corner?  Try to find one now.  They barely exist, and I don't think they take money anymore, but tokens, which you probably don't have.

2.  Cursive handwriting.  It's pretty much gone.  Many schools have dropped the teaching of cursive and others are phasing it out.  Students work on a computer or tablet today, so there's no need to learn to write.  In addition, the computer or tablet will correct their spelling, so there is no need to learn to spell. When was the last time you wrote or received a letter?  It doesn't happen much anymore, but it sure is nice when it does.  As I said before, life has become easier, but is it better?

3.  A multitude of things are done electronically today that used to be done by going to the store, bank, or looking in the newspaper.  Paychecks are usually deposited directly in a person's bank account, rather than given out and cashed.  Classified ads in newspapers are pretty much gone.  People use things like Craigslist and other sites to search for jobs or place ads.  Buying a ticket to a play or concert used to be done in person.  You'd go to the venue and get your ticket.  Now, it's all done online.  Shopping too, is done online.  I do much of my shopping online and avoid crowded shopping malls.  Why are malls still crowded?  I'm not sure about that.  We used to stay up late at night to hear the weather report for the following day.  That's not necessary anymore.  Just go to one of the weather sites on your smart phone and you'll instantly have more weather information than you need.

Technology has changed our lives forever.  It has also changed our brains, as some studies show.  Many studies show that we are definitely NOT smarter, but have lost something.  Our ability to remember and recall is no longer necessary.  We can look everything up instantly, so why learn it?  I remember the days when Ron had his accounting practice.  He never had a phone book.  He had over 200 phone numbers on speed dial in his brain.  Today, except for a few numbers, he doesn't have this ability.  It's just not necessary anymore.  Yes, we're moving forward.  We have access to more information and instant answers to questions we want to know the answers to (no more need for encyclopedias), but what have we lost?  To those of us over 50, we know what we've lost.  The younger generation doesn't know, as all they've ever known is computers.

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