Friday, December 8, 2017

When Western Medicine Fails You

All of us have probably faced a situation where our doctor is unable to cure what ails us, or make us feel any better.  I have had a condition for over 20 years, and am no closer to resolving the problem now than I was in 1996 when it first appeared.  Out of nowhere, I started clearing my throat, and multiple doctors and tests later, I am still clearing my throat all the time.  Western medicine has failed to find an answer.  What should I do next?  Here's what others have done when Western medicine has failed them

  My friend was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis 15 months ago, and has been suffering terribly.  After seeing a top rheumatologist, taking drug, after drug, after drug, with no relief, she  was depressed and desperate.  She found another medical doctor who used diet, rather than drugs, to help her.  Within a month of stopping all drugs, and changing to a diet that eliminated gluten, sugar, milk and egg products, she is pain free, inflammation free and HAPPY.  I know it sounds too good to be true, but when Western medicine failed her, she turned to something so simple, it's amazing.  One more thing.  She takes turmeric every day, but that will be the subject of another blog.

The day after I heard the story about my friend with rheumatoid arthritis, I heard another similar story.  An acquaintance of mine used to be a harpist.  She has not been able to play for months because of arthritis, in this case osteoarthritis.  She too, went from doctor to doctor, drug to drug, in search of relief.  She finally started taking 1,000 mg of turmeric everyday, and within a month she was pain free and back to playing the harp.

These stories sound too good to be true, and if I didn't know the people involved and what they had been through, I might think they were "fake."

Another friend has a grandchild who was diagnosed with a rare "orphan" disease.  (I can't remember the name of it right now).  She went to specialists, and was treated with many drugs, including chemotherapy.  It wasn't until her parents, who did hours of research, put her on a special diet, that she got significant results.  She is off gluten, and she possibly has other dietary restrictions.  She is now in remission and doing well, all from a change in diet.

So,when Western medicine is not helping, look elsewhere.  Do research, ask a million questions, learn about foods, and what causes inflammation, a source of many of our health problems.  Learn about herbs and supplements.  Don't accept that feeling bad, achy, tired, etc. are just because of age.  We can do something about these conditions, and if your Western doctor doesn't know what to do, look at nutrition, acupuncture, or  other alternatives.

For me, Western medicine is always the first place to look for answers.  But there are many conditions that can be helped through diet, herbs and supplements, something most American trained doctors know little or nothing about.  If one thing doesn't work, try something else.  I plan to try to get my throat clearing dealt with soon.  I need to do research and perhaps see another doctor with a different perspective.

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