Wednesday, January 4, 2012

A New Kind of Library

"Necessity is the mother of invention". I thought of this proverb when I heard about a new kind of library, a kitchen tool library. In Portland, Oregon there are already several community tool libraries for those that want to borrow a power saw or a special drill and don't want to purchase it. Now we have a community kitchen tool library. Do you need a mortar and pestle for one specific recipe you are making? Or a dehydrator? Or a breadmaker or pressure cooker? Most of us don't want to go out and buy each and every gadget or specialty item. What a great idea! My son David has become quite a cook of late, and he is always buying a new gadget. Some of these he will use just once, then they'll sit in the cupboard for years, gathering dust. If you could try out a specific tool for a small fee, it would keep most of us from buying useless kitchen toys.

I can't count how many times I've been lured into purchasing a perfectly useless item. A food dehydrater, pasta maker and a salsa maker are just a few of the many kitchen tools I have bought on impulse and used only once.

The kitchen tool library started in Portland, Oregon. I think it's an idea we could all benefit from. Most of us don't live next door to Martha Stewart, so we're stuck if we're making something that requires a special tool. I'd be happy to spend a few dollars to borrow one of the kitchen tools and see if I really like it. If I do, then I can go out and buy one. Some kitchen tools are just needed for one particular item, and for those the kitchen tool library is perfect.

I was walking through Bed, Bath and Beyond a few weeks ago with my mom. She's very smart and so practical. She says that if a pot or pan or spoon or appliance only has one use, she WILL NOT buy it. I was looking at a mini cupcake maker and I commented on how cute it was. She asked me how many times did I really think I would make mini cupcakes? The answer was probably never.

Whoever came up with the idea of a kitchen tool library is very clever. I hope we get one in our area. I can definitely see borrowing from this library. I'm a great fan of libraries anyway. Why buy it when you can borrow it? How often do you reread a book you purchase? If you're like me, not often. This has me thinking what other kinds of lending libraries might be needed. I'll see if I come up with anything.

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