Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Natural Food Show: Part 1

One of my favorite events of the year is the natural food show in Anaheim every March. This year I brought foodie friend Debbie along to help collect samples, taste, and evaluate new products. There were plenty of products to taste, and I couldn't have gotten through the show without her. In fact, I really didn't get through the whole show. We walked every aisle of Hall C, D, and E, but by that time we were stuffed from samples, tired from standing and walking, and achey from all the bags and food we were carrying. It was time to call it a day, drag ourselves back to the car, and head on home. Debbie did the driving (such a good driver as long as there's no paralell parking involved), I paid for parking, and Debbie said she'd treat me to lunch. LOL. Who could eat anything after sampling food for three hours? There is so much to taste, and being a veteran of five previous food shows I know to only eat things that are really appealing. Debbie followed my advice, but there is so much good stuff that you can't help but overeat. My overall reaction to the show is that the natural food business is alive and doing very well. Good companies that have been around for awhile are expanding into new products. Alexia, one of my favorites, now carries frozen corn, hash browns and other veggies. Pacifica, which began as a soup company (in the cardboard cartons), now carries beans and mac and cheese. Evol, which began as a burrito company, now carries flatbreads, ziti bolognese, and mac and cheese. Amy's is constantly expanding, and carries dozens of different frozen food entrees. Many new companies were present this year, and time will tell if they'll be able to make it. Each year brings a new "In" product, and this year it is chia. Chia was everywhere. Kale, another hot item, was found in many forms. Tea of every variety, Greek yogurt, vegetable chips and crackers, milk made from things like flax and quinoa, and palm oil were very popular. I will write two more blogs about the show, talk about the various products, what Debbie and I liked and what I recommend trying. All in all, an exhausting day of overeating, highlighted by the short time spent with my son Phil, who was one of the exhibitors at the show.

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