It's that time of year again. Overcast mornings and warm afternoons, June gloom as we refer to it in San Diego, and that means it's time for the Del Mar Fair. One of the largest (in attendance) fairs in the country opened on Saturday, and runs for 24 days, Tuesday-Sunday each week. The theme this year is "Game On," and will feature lots of classic nostalgic games, from board games and pinball to TV, video and computer games. I am not a great lover of fairs. I don't like the rides, like but don't want to eat the food, and don't especially like crowds. So why do I go? Because it's there, and I love to see people scarfing up funnel cakes and cinnamon rolls and turkey legs like they haven't eaten in weeks. Every year there are new and rather disgusting sounding food items, and this year is no exception.
Gloriously unhealthy fair foods offered this year in Del Mar include Deep-fried cookie dough, a Krispy Crème Sloppy Joe sandwich, bacon beer, wild boar kebabs, a mac-and-cheese melt sandwich, deep-fried bacon-wrapped pickles and more. Hmmmm, the deep fried bacon wrapped pickle sounds mildly interesting. I usually end up getting the corn on the cob ($4!), which is roasted over an open fire. Fran tells me that Tuesday, in addition to being half price day, is also sample day. For $2 you can get a sample of one of these outrageously decadant foods, rather than having to buy the whole thing. That sounds good to me, so Ron and I will go on a Tuesday afternoon and stay for an early dinner.
My favorite activity at the fair is to walk through the rows of animals. Nothing is cuter than a baby goat or a baby pig. If you're lucky and get there at the right time you can see sheep being sheared or cows being milked. I think I was meant to be a farmer. I love all that stuff. Actually I don't think I'd ever make it as a farmer. It way too much work. Maybe a gentleman farmer.
Lots of concerts as usual this year, including The Beach Boys, Train, and Adam Lambert. Those are fun and I've been to many in the past, but will probably not attend this year. The traffic on concert nights is ridiculous. If you live or drive anywhere in the Del Mar area, you must learn the fair hours and when the concerts take place, and know to avoid Via de la Valle around those times. Just about the time you've got that all figured out, the fair will leave and the races will start. You'll have a new schedule to learn for the rest of the summer. Summer is officially here. Enjoy the fair.
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