Friday, June 28, 2013

What To Eat Before You Work Out

If you're like me, you've heard conflicting information over the years about whether you should eat before exercising or not. One thing is for sure: you should drink 16-20 ounces of water during the 1-2 hours before starting your workout. Keeping well hydrated will make your exercise easier and more effective. Most people that eat a healthy diet and get enough calories to support their activity level can rely on their own appetite to tell them when to eat. The calories you burn during a one hour exercise routine don't come from the food you've recently eaten. They come from the carbs and fat that is stored in your muscles, liver and fat cells. To eat or not to eat before working out, it's all up to you. Some people feel sick if they eat before working out, others like a little something in their bodies. Do what works for you. If you do eat before working out, here are some guidelines. 1. Eat a small (100-200 calorie) snack about 30 minutes before working out. This should include fast digesting carbs and very little fat. Examples of things to eat might be fruit juice, fruit smoothie, sports drinks, pretzels or energy bars. 2. Eat a nutritionally balanced meal 1-2 hours before exercise. This is the best option for many people. If you eat a meal with more fat and protein, you may need to wait before exercising. Ideally try to eat enough calories to equal about half the calories you expect to burn. If you plan to burn 400 calories, eat a 200 calorie meal. Examples of what to eat are nuts, fruit and yogurt, trail mix, hummus and veggies, hard boiled eggs, cottage cheese and fruit. For me, eating nothing works best. I usually drink an 8 ounce glass of water, maybe a little coffee just because, and then try to drink another 8 ounces during the workout. This works for me, but others I know eat some protein before working out. There are no set rules. Every body is different, so the old saying, "Listen to your body," defintely applies here. Hope to see you out exercising somewhere soon: Y, walking in Carlsbad, Encinitas, Cardiff or Del Mar, or boogie boarding at one of our beautiful beaches are all places you might spot me.

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