Monday, November 17, 2014

Today Is Ron's Birthday

Today is Ron's 72nd birthday.  I have been with him for more than 45 years, so I probably know him better than almost anyone else around.  His childhood friends Phil, Ellen and Howie have known him for 60 years, but they haven't lived with him!  What is it that's made him so endearing to me for all these years?  The reasons are many, and if you know him at all  you may understand the attraction, but if you don't, here are some reasons why, after 45 years I'm still here.

Ron is one of the smartest men I've ever known, which was one of my first attractions to him.  Tell him something once and he'll remember it forever.  Does he have a photographic memory?  Some have said yes, but he says no.  He has a memory for facts and figures like no one I've ever known, especially when it comes to sports.  Don't try to argue with him about who was on the 1968 Cubs team, or what college a particular football player attended.  You will lose.  When he was in business in Los Angeles, before the days of speed dial, he had his entire phone book in his head, over 200 numbers.  He's also smart enough to know what he doesn't know, and over the years he has evolved into a man who knows something about everything:  art, history, politics, people.  We have had interesting conversations over the years on topics ranging from child rearing to government to the NFL policy of it's "bad boy" players.  You'd think after 45 years you'd run out of things to talk about, but we don't.  Did you ever go to a restaurant and see an elderly couple sitting across from each other, eating their meal, and not speaking a word?  I don't ever want that to be us!

Ron also has one of the best senses of humor of anyone I know.  He has kept a smile on my face for 45 years, even through some very hard times.  He's got an encyclopedia of jokes in his head that he can recall at any moment.  If he's with a doctor, he's got doctor jokes, if he's with a golfer he's got golf jokes, and so on.  In the early 1980's we went on a driving trip through France with friends Jerry and Joanie.  Ron drove, and Jerry and Joanie sat in the back seat on this journey, and we listened to hours of jokes and stories from Ron.  We were definitely entertained, which was great, since the radio didn't work.  Even in our most difficult years Ron would stay positive and look to the future, which leads me to another reason I love him so.

Ron is the ultimate planner.  As an accountant that's part of the job description, but it doesn't always carry over into one's personal life.  We never bought anything we couldn't afford, we always had a plan for the future, so when our problems began, which were out of our control, Ron was thrown for a loop.  All we had worked for was taken away, and we had to start over, but I can hardly remember a time when this got Ron down.  He made a plan, and we have followed it and are feeling pretty good about how far we've come.  Yes, family and friends have been supportive and helpful, which has made our life as it is today, possible.

Ron is also one of the most caring, empathetic people you could meet.  Often that's covered up by  an exterior that makes that seem not so.  One quick story tells it all.  When I was teaching school, and we were in our early 30's with three children, I came home one day and told Ron about a partially deaf student I had named Jesus.  His family did not have enough money to purchase expensive hearing aids that would help him.  It was about $800 for the hearing aids, and the next day, unbeknownst to me, Ron took a check to my principal to pay for Jesus' hearing aids.  That was a lot of money to us at the time which we could not really afford, but if was just the first of many times he has helped those in need, at his own sacrifice.  I love that.

Finally, Ron is a true and loyal friend and husband.  If you are his friend, there is nothing he won't do for you.  His friend David was sick and in the hospital for 186 days.  Ron visited him 184 of those days.  Who does that?  When I had my knee surgery he surprised me.  He was there for me every step of the way!

I haven't mentioned his talents, like being a great bridge and poker player, great accountant and financial planner, loving father of three wonderful sons, and especially great husband.  Hardly a day goes by that he doesn't make me feel special in some way.  A text that says "I love you," flowers on occasion, or just a look that says I love and appreciate you.  I  really thought that love and respect might wane after 45 years, but it's alive and well and better than ever.  These 45 years have had their ups and downs, but the positive attitude of Ron, his undying love for his family, and his clever mind that has allowed us to come back from nothing, have kept us going.  He is a winner and I'll keep him.  Happy Birthday, Honey.

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