Friday, June 12, 2015

The Benefits of Chia Seeds

When I first heard about chia seeds as a nutritional supplement, all I could think of was the chia pet that was so popular years ago.  Spread the seeds on the animal and watch it grow.  Well, it turns out the chia seeds are good for you too.  The nutrient dense chia seed is loaded with calcium, omega 3s, iron and vitamin E.  They expand in liquid and thus give you a feeling of being full.  The new drink sensation Mama Chia, is an example of this.  It's a fruit drink loaded with chia seeds.  Drink a bottle of Mama Chia and you are full.

Despite it's health benefits some people have reported side effects, such as constipation and bloating.  Interestingly, others have found the fiber-rich seeds to improve bowl movement.  The ancient Aztecs, who called chia seeds "super seeds" used them as a remedy for constipation.

It all depends on how much you take and how much water you take in.  The key is to start slowly and increase your intake gradually as your body gets used to the new food.  Start with less than the recommended dose of 2 tablespoons per day, and increase as you see fit.  Most importantly, drink plenty of water.  The chia seeds suck up moisture in your body like a sponge, so it is important to keep hydrated.  Finally, listen to your body.  If you follow these tips and still feel bloated and constipated, stop eating them.  Everyone does not react to foods in the same way.  If your system can tolerate them, they are a great addition to a healthy diet.  I have added them to salads, soups, smoothies and anything liquid.  Give them a try.

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