Wednesday, May 18, 2022

What Do You Know About China's Social Credit System

Cameras are everywhere in major cities today, keeping track of what people are doing, but in China it has reached a higher level.  The over 200 million cameras installed by the Chinese are mean to help control the population.  The Chinese social credit system is intended to report on the trustworthiness of individuals, corporations and governmental entities across China.  Here are a few key points.

1.  The goal of the China social credit system is to provide  an assessment of an individual's, or company's trustworthiness.

2.  The China social credit system is an extension of already existing rankings and ratings in China which have existed for years.

3.  The consequences of a poor social credit score could be serious.  It may affect one's ability to travel, employment, access to finance, and the ability to enter into contracts.

In 2018 Mike Pence sounded the alarm bells about China's social credit system, stating "China's rulers aim to implement an Orwellian system premised on controlling virtually every facet of human life."

Basically, the Chinese want to squelch dissent.  Cameras are used to watch you.  They watch who you talk to, where you go, what you do, and your online activity.  Points are deducted for things like j walking, walking your dog without a leash, whether you pay your taxes or not.  The data is acquired and used to add individuals or corporations to lists, some public, some not.  Based on your credit score, you are either punished or rewarded.

Blacklists exist for corporations, and if your company is on one, your company is heavily distrusted.  Your company will have trouble hiring people, and will be subject to more and unnecessary inspections.  On the contrary, if you are a good citizen, you will face streamlined administrative procedures, fewer inspections and audits, and fast tracked approvals.

The ultimate goal is control.  Keep the citizens compliant, keep them from discussing any thoughts or ideas contrary to Chinese government policy.  It's a scary thought.  The Chinese social credit system is a work in progress, and it appears will only become more restrictive over time.

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