Friday, January 28, 2011

Nonviolent Communication=Compassionate Communication

In an effort to prepare offenders for reentry, Taft Correctional Institutions offers a variety of learning opportunities meant to teach new skills and create good citizens. Ron has taken just about every class offered, from horticulture, to Toastmasters, to home improvement. The latest class is a series of lectures and discussions, including role playing called Nonviolent Communication. The course is based on the work of Marshall Rosenberg, the founder of the movement. I thought I would research this program, as I'd never heard of it before.

Nonviolent communication (NVC)is an approach to communication that emphasizes compassion as the motivation for action rather than fear, guilt,shame,blame or threat of punishment. In other words, it is about getting what you want for reasons you will not regret later. NVC is not about getting people to do what we want, it is about creating a quality of connection that gets everyone's needs met through compassionate giving.

NVC training teaches you to express yourself honestly without attacking. This will help minimize the likelihood of facing defensive reactions in others. Requests are made clearly. They will help you receive critical and hostile messages without taking them personally, givining in, or losing self esteem. The skills learned in this course can help an individual deal with family and co workers alike. The principles of NVC are not new, but Dr. Rosenberg has articulated them in a way that people can understand. If this is of interest to you, go to to find out more about Dr. Rosenberg and his theories.

The course is a wonderful addition to the skill courses that they offer at Taft, as many inmates have difficulty expressing themsleves well. This course offers them a chance to develop nonviolent ways to communicate that can only enhance their chances for success upon release.

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