Friday, May 4, 2012

It's National Hamburger Month

Not to be confused with National Hamburger Day, which takes place in December, May is National Hamburger Month. That means advertisers are doing whatever they can to get you to come to their burger restaurant. Statistically we all eat about three burgers a week! Yikes! Believe it or not, there are people that eat a burger everyday. I try to limit myself to one or two a month. I really like Elevation Burger in Carlsbad. The meat is all grass fed, everything is extremly fresh, and the company is environmentally conscious. I looked on line to see where the burger deals were this month, and was disappointed to find very little PR for this "holiday." Of course this is not a nationally recognized holiday, but it's a great chance for restaurants to promote themselves. Locally, Elevation Burger in Carlsbad was the only restaurant I could find with a good burger promotion. If you take your mom to Elevation on Mother's Day, she eats free. If you go there any Monday in May, you get double stamps on your card. Their card is already a good deal, because you only need to eat there 7 times before you get a free burger. Jimmy Buffett's restaurant have a national promotion to celebrate national hamburger month. The will have special beef items on the menu, plus "meat ups" for their Facebook friends. I think the burger chains, like McDonalds, Burger King, et al, are missing the boat. Why arent' they promoting burgers this month? They seem to have so many other crazy promotions, this seems like a natural. Keep checking. Maybe advertising will begin later in the month. In the meantime, keep looking for specials like Mother's Day at Elevation, and keep saving money.

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