Friday, December 21, 2012

Dogs Make Everything Better

The horrific event that took place at Sandy Hook School, in Newton, Connecticut last week has been difficult to think about, much less write about. What could I say that hadn't been said a million times before by those more eloquent than I? So I've been quiet, trying to process it all, grieving for the families that will never see their precious children again and for the faculty and staff that died trying to protect our youth. How do the families of Newtown get through this tragedy? Loving families, clergy, and grief counselors will help some, but the loving hug of a dog will also give great comfort. Days after the shooting, I saw a picture of a man sitting on the edge of his pickup truck with his bulldog. He was holding a sign that said "My bulldog gives hugs." I guarantee his dog has given many hugs this week. There is nothing like the hug of dog, his warm breath on your neck, his sloppy tongue giving you a kiss, that makes evrything better. Dogs understand. I'm no psychologist, but I know that whenever I have felt sad, my dog knows, and reacts accordingly. Now there are numerous dogs in Newtown, helping to calm children and adults alike. Dogs have taken their place alongside grief counselors in these tragic situations. They truly are man's best friend. The shooting at Sandy Hook raises the urgent issue of gun control, and if we are ever going to feel safe again. Over the same weekend that these massacres took place, there were at least 5 other shootings, most ending in murders, throughout the country, including one at Fashion Island in Newport Beach, where 50 rounds were fired, but fortunately no one was hurt. What is wrong with people? There are so many factors that play into the violence of Americans, it is difficult to know the cause. I feel compelled to write about gun violence and gun control, but the topic is complex, and I will wait for another time. It's enough to say right now that "guns kill", and assault style weapons kill more. We as a nation must have the conversation and work on fixing the problem. All we can do now is hug our children, keep them close, tell them we love them, and think about how to solve the problem of violence in America. Oh, and don't forget your little four legged friend who asks so little from you, yet gives so much. He's always there to make everything better.

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