Friday, July 4, 2014

Chairs Make A Difference

I've belonged to the YMCA for years, in fact it's a routine part of my life that I look forward to every morning. Not only do I get a great workout, but I get to meet old friends and socialize a little, and get to know new people, some of whom will become friends.About a year ago the Y did a major remodel of the lobby area. In place of empty space, they put in seating areas for 30 or more people. There are conversation areas and a free drink bar with coffee and tea. (also a few food items for purchase). Here's what has happened. People are arriving 10-15 minutes early for their workout, getting a cup of coffee, and sitting down and talking. People are also hanging around the lobby after class, again to socialize.
  It's our nature to socialize, and the lobby remodel has given Y members a wonderful opportunity. The walking groups have been social for years, often going out for coffee after their walk, but also taking overnight trips, and having weekend gatherings in members homes. With the new lobby area inviting people to socialize, many new friendships have been formed.I often attend a barre class on Tuesday morning, but until recently did not really know anyone in the class. Now I arrive early, and sit and have coffee with them. We chat about our lives, and I've gotten to know some of them quite well. Knowing some of the people you're working out with just makes it more fun. You can complain together!
The addition of a few tables and chairs in the lobby has certainly made a difference to me in my Y experience. Sure, there are those hard core people who simply want to get to the gym, do their workout, and get out of there, but for many of us, especially those who are retired or semi-retired, we want more! We want a good workout, a chance to socialize and possibly even make some new friends. I've done all that, and am so thankful to have such a wonderful Y in my community.
When I left LA, I thought I would never find another gym like the one I had belonged to there for 20 years. It was an all women's gym, and one in which many members socialized over coffee before or after working out. We would have great discussions, and I feared I'd never find another place like it. Well, the Y is nothing like it, yet I have found all I could ever need. One of the most important things in maintaining good health and longevity is SOCIALIZING. The Y provides a place to work your body and engage your mind. That may be why they have so many seniors actively involved.

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