Monday, August 10, 2015

Staying Young

Since moving to Ocean Hills I have spent more time than ever before talking and enjoying the company of seniors.  I still have a hard time calling myself a senior, although at 70, that's exactly what I am.  But I'm young compared to several new friends, both in their late 90's.

 Paul is 96, and a regular at the dog park.  A dog will keep you young, and owning a dog is one of my tips to seniors for staying youthful.  Your dog depends on you.  You must get up every morning and walk and feed him.  He requires it, and it will make you feel useful.  Paul brings Tiger to the park almost everyday.  It's a chance for Tiger to get some exercise, and Paul to get some stimulating conversation.  If you're disabled and unable to care for a dog, try a cat.  They're easy to care for, yet will give you love and companionship.

Magda is 97.  She lives across the street from me, alone, except for a woman who comes three times a week to take her out to run errands and tidy up around the house.  She is so interesting, so funny, and has so many amazing stories about her long life, both in Hungary and America.  Last week I ran into her.  She is always dressed.  That's another one of my tips for staying young.  Get up and get dressed everyday.  Don't lounge around in pajamas all day.  Even if you've got nowhere to go, get up and act like you did.  Magda mentioned to me that she wanted to go see the movie, "Still Alice," that was showing at our clubhouse that afternoon.  I, too, had thought about going.  I invited her to join me.  We walked over and enjoyed the movie, and an afternoon together.  I feel quite sure Magda would not have gone to the movie on her own, but with a little encouragement, she was happy to go.

Most of my other new friends are not quite as old as Paul and Magda, but one thing we all seem to have in common is a lot of aches and pains.  For me, it's just my knee, and it's something I can deal with, but for others, their aches and pains may be much more serious.  I also have a 91 year old mother, and pearls of wisdom ring in my ears on a daily basis.  Part of her daily routine is to get down on the floor everyday, and to get up off the floor without assistance.  Easy, huh?  Well, not so easy at 70+ and when you're in you're 90's, it's extremely difficult.  She feels doing that everyday helps to keep her young.  At least she knows that if she falls she'll be able to get up!  Everyone I've met here is trying to keep young.  Owning a pet, getting up and dressed everyday, and making sure you can still get up off the floor, are just three things you can do to keep yourself youthful.

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