Wednesday, September 9, 2015

New Words Added To the Oxford Dictionary

The Oxford Dictionary is updated four times a year.  There are 4,000 new words added to the dictionary each year.  Could that be?  I checked and double checked this fact, so I'll accept that it's true.  This year, as always, there are some fascinating new words, many of them related to the internet or American culture.  Thank you, Jan, for bringing this article to my attention.  You always send me something unusual and interesting.  Here are just a few of the new words, many of which were new to me.

1.  Manspreading...a term coined by commuters, it referes to a men on busses and trains who splay their legs wide and encroach on neighboring seats.

2.  Awesomesause...extremely good, excellent.  The only place I ever heard it is in a TV commercial.

3.  Butt dial....calling someone accidentally with your mobile phone in your rear pocket.  I think we're all familiar with the word and the act of butt dialing.

4.  Social justice warrior...(informal derogatory) a person who expresses or promotes socially progressive views.

5.  Wine o' appropriate time of day for starting to drink wine.

6.  Rage-quit...(informal) angrily abandon an activity or pursuit that has become frustrating, especially the playing of a video game.

7.  Hangry...bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger.

8.  Spear phishing...the fraudulent practice of sending emails ostensibly from a known or trusted sender in order to induce targeted individuals to reveal confidential information.

9.  Snackable...(of online content)designed to be read, viewed, or otherwise engaged with briefly and easily.

10.  Fatberg...very large mass of solid wasted in a sewerage system, consisting especially of congealed fat and personal hygiene products that have been flushed down toilets.

You know how I always say that one of my goals is to learn something new everyday?  Well, I have just learned 10 new words this morning and you probably have too!  I found this very interesting, and I hope you did too

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