Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Inventions Of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was one of our influential citizens.  He was a scientist, inventor, a philosopher, a politician and a humanitarian.  What he did and invented he did to help mankind, not to benefit himself financially.  Here are just some of the many inventions with which he is credited.

1.  Armonica.  Invented in 1761, the armonica was a musical instrument made from water and glass.

2.  Franklin Stove.  This stove had a hoodlike enclosure, which kept smoke from spreading throughout the room.  He thought about patenting this invention, but he did do it.  He wanted all people to benefit from his invention, and not just himself.

3.  Lightning rod.  This was invented in 1752, as a result of his experiments with a key and a kite.  The lightning rod he invented helped prevent fires.

4.  Bifocals.  Ben Franklin developed bifocals in 1784, during his later years, when his vision was deteriorating and he didn't want to keep changing from one pair of glasses to another.

5.  Map of Gulfstream.  Franklin was curious about why it was faster to sail from America to Europe than the other way around.  He mapped the gulfstream which helped to explain why.

6.  Odometer.  While postmaster general in 1775, Franklin developed a simple odometer, to map and measure mileage, so that mail could be delivered using the shortest possible route.

7.  Daylight savings.  Although Franklin did not come  up with the idea of daylight savings, he was a strong advocate of it.  He felt that more daylight hours for work would lead to a more productive society.

Ben Franklin was unlike any other American I can think of.  His inventions, wise sayings and approach to life in general were extraordinary.  We need a 21st century man or woman like him.

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