Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Quote from Park Avenue Summer

While reading the novel Park Avenue Summer by Renee Rosen, I ran across a quote that I loved and just had to share because it's so true.  "Everything that's nice and thick when you're young gets thin and everything that's nice and thin gets thick."  The book is about a young woman who gets a job in New York City as Helen Gurly Brown's secretary, at the time she is trying to revive Cosmopolitan Magazine.

The quote is so true.  When you're young, you have thick beautiful hair, nice thick eyebrows that you have to pluck to keep them in line, full lips, skin that is thick and doesn't sag and strong nails.  As you get older the hair gets thin and doesn't shine the way it used to, the eyebrows get so thin that many women have to get eyebrow weaves or else use a pencil (I don't dare pluck a single eyebrow.  They don't grow back anymore), skin sometimes gets paper thin and droops and gets blotchy, and nails get thin.  Oh, did I mention that the nice waist and hips you used to have are no more?  As you age, the waist goes away, replaced by a thick middle, often called a muffin top.  The shapely body is no longer what it was.  Well defined hips and legs seem to disappear,  replaced by  a more straight up and down look.  What was once firm and defined becomes saggy and soft.  (boobs and face).

I keep telling myself it's what's inside the package that's important, not the outside.  I still believe this, but really, does everything have to change so drastically?  We've just got to do the best we can with what we've got at any age!!!!

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