Monday, March 16, 2020

How To Enjoy Life In The Age Of Coronavirus

We live in such trying times, and now along comes Coronavirus to make life just a little more difficult, a little more stressful.  I see a variety of responses to the people around me.  Some are hunkering down in their homes, ordering food and supplies from Amazon and hardly leaving their homes.  These people are fearful of dining out, going to movies, sporting events or any activity that involves leaving the house.

Then there are those who, although they believe the Coronavirus and its consequences are real, they choose to live life as they always have.  They have decided not to wear protective gloves, constantly use hand sanitizers or restrict their normal activities.

I fall in between these two extremes.  Yes, the virus is real, yes, if you have underlying medical conditions you should be super vigilant, yes anyone over 60 should take measures to protect themselves.  My biggest change has been hand washing.  I am now washing and sanitizing frequently.  That is something I didn't always do.  I try to enter and exit automatic doors as much as possible.  I try to keep my hands off my face, and I do try to stay away from big crowds.  Am I going to give up playing bridge, going out to restaurants, going to the movies going to parties?  NO, NO, NO! This pandemic may last for months.  We cannot wish for miracles that are not going to happen.  We need to take basic precautions to protect ourselves, but we still need to enjoy life.

I probably wouldn't take a cruise right now, or fly internationally.  I'd be afraid that even if I were healthy I might not be able to get back to the U.S.  For those that are gutsy and have a "what will be will be" attitude, there are some great bargains out there for hotel travel and cruises!!

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