Monday, March 23, 2020

Surviving Coronavirus, Physically and Mentally

There's not much I can tell you about how to stay safe during this pandemic that hasn't already been said.  One Japanese doctor has suggested the following, for self monitoring yourself daily.  Take a deep breath, hold for at least 10 seconds.  If you can do this without coughing or feeling tightness, you probably don't have fibrosis in the lungs. If you do this simple check each day you can hopefully catch the virus before it become dangerous.  Another tip from the same source is to keep yourself hydrated.  Dry mouth can be a breeding ground for infection.  If you do happen to have contact with some who has the virus, frequent sips of water will wash the virus out of the mouth, down into the stomach where it will be killed.  I haven't heard either of these ideas from any American doctors, but that doesn't mean anything to me. Neither of them cost anything and they just may protect you.

Keeping yourself mentally fit is a bit more difficult.  If you plan to self distance yourself from crowds, you will probably be spending a lot more time at home.  Unless you plan on selling stocks at this time, don't look at your portfolio for a while.  It will only depress you.  Based on past performances, the market will come back.  Be patient.

How to keep yourself busy?  Catch up on the new shows and old ones you've missed on Netflix and Prime.  We just watched several old seasons of Curb Your Enthusiasm, and every Sunday night look forward to a new episode of season 10.  Clean out clutter in your home and garage.  If you're like me, this will take you several days, but you will feel great.  Catch up on correspondance with friends and family.  It's a good time to reconnect with people.  If you're missing your day at the bridge club, invite a few local friends over for the afternoon.  The same goes for Canasta players and Mah Jongg players.  Play with a fresh deck of cards!  Or, play games on line.  There is so much to choose from.

Visit grocery stores or pharmacies at quiet hours, to avoid the crowds.   I plan NOT to buy grapes right now.  They have been touched by too many people, and even if you wash them, there is risk.  I will try to stick with peeled fruits and apples, which can be easily washed. Reschedule doctor appointments that aren't urgent.  I just cancelled Ron's ALS checkup and my mammogram.  He is stable so I see no reason to take him into a hospital filled with sick people.  My mammogram can be done at a future time.  These are just a few of my thoughts on staying safe during this trecherous time.  If I have more, I will let you know.  In the meantime, stay safe, don't panic, and get medical help if you think you need it.  We will all get through this.

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