Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Have You Gotten The New Covid Booster?

 I had never heard anything about the new Covid-19 booster that was released in September until my mother told me about it.  She had gone to the doctor for a regular check-up in early January, and the doctor recommended she get the Bivalent Booster that is very effective against the new strains of Covid-19.  She was surprised that she hadn't heard of it, but wanted to know more.

Coincidentally, the next day she saw Dr. Eric Toppel from Scripps, on CNN.  He was also recommending the bivalent vaccine (Moderna and Pfizer both make it, and they are equally good).  Why haven't we heard anything about this?  Where is the media?  I think it's shameful that they pushed vaccines and boosters when thousands were dying, and now that less are dying, but many are still getting sick, they are ignoring a booster that could help.

I am getting my booster right away.  It is supposed to be especially effective against the current variants of Covid-19.  If I believed in the vaccine before, why wouldn't I believe in it now?  Some people I know have said they're "done with it."  They already got vaccinated and don't want to get anymore boosters.  Why?  If you believed in vaccines before, why not now?  Luckily people aren't dying at the rate they were before, but they're still dying, and anything we can do to decrease the risk of illness, I will do.

Please check out the bivalent vaccine and spread the word.  The media isn't helping us on this.

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