I had no idea how valuable our libraries are to our community until I moved to Carlsbad and started using the Dove Library regularly. I used to just go buy a book when I wanted to read one, but being an avid reader, that was getting very expensive. But the library offers so many other services, like book clubs, movie nights and a speakers program. In conjunction with National Library Week, Carlsbad has been reading Travels with Charley, by John Steinbeck. On April 24 we had an opportunity to listen to Thomas Steinbeck (John's son) talk about his father, the book and his own writing. Yes, he's an author too.
Dr. Susan Shelinglaw was on stage with Thomas Steinbeck, and interviewed and asked prepared questions from the audience. Susan is an authority on John Steinbeck from San Jose State and a friend of Thomas'. Thomas is 66 years old, was born in New York, but lives on the west coast. He didn't say exactly where, but I assume near Monterey. He was a journalist in Vietnam, worked for an ad agency, then became a writer. I haven't read any of his work but word has it he's a wonderful writer. If his storytelling and his sense of humor are any indication I would like to read his work.
Through a number of stories about his father and his family, Thomas gave us some insight into John Steinbeck, the writer. While Thomas was growing up, he always thought his father was unemployed. He would eat breakfast, then go to his room and spend the day there. It wasn't until he was away at prep school at age 16 that he read The Red Pony, and realized his dad was a famous author. That's a little hard to believe, but his point was that his dad never talked about his work or his writing, and shied away from big parties and celebrity. He was shy in front of those that knew he was famous, but outgoing among those who just knew him as John.
One question that was asked of Thomas was "How did your father balance writing and a family?' The answer was that he didn't. He was first and foremost a writer. That's all he ever wanted to be since he was a child. He had two children only because his wife wanted them. Now that really makes you feel wanted! Despite not wanting children he loved women and was married several times. His children did not grow up with a full time dad in the house, however Thomas has a lot of fond memories of his dad. John was always making his boys toys. He loved toys, would make them pea shooters and sling shots. He had a great sense of humor. He didn't tell them many stories, but they read books together. The first memorable book that Thomas remembers reading with the family was The Martian Chronicles, by Ray Bradbury. Thomas said that book changed his life.
Thomas feels that Travels With Charley was a way for John Steinbeck to say goodbye, resolve thngs that were on his mind, and say a final goodbye to America. He was dying of heart disease and knew this would be his last trip.
It was a great afternoon. Our librarys have so much more than books to offer, and I hope you'll check your local libray and see what they've got cooking. So many books, so little time.
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