Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Joys of Getting Older

As I sat at the beach today with 15 friends, eating Subway sandwiches and cupcakes to celebrate Jan's birthday, Vivian asked the group a very poignant question. What did each of us like best about getting older? We were a group of women in our 50's and 60's, so you might think we'd be complaining about wrinkles, sagging skin, bulging waistlines and all our aches and pains, but we were not. We were talking about our next workout, the latest book we were reading and a new skill we planned to learn. At a certain age most of us finally begin to accept who we are. Here are some of the good things that were mentioned from the discussion that followed Vivian's question. Some of the good things about aging are just my thoughts.

1. All the things you wanted when you were young you no longer want.
2. Every year you become a little richer in friends.
3. You are smarter and more talented than when you were younger. Think about how many skills you have developed and how much knowledge you have accumulated over the years.
4. You are more at peace with yourself. Drama gives way to a peaceful happy.
5. More people turn to you for advice.
6. You have more stories to share with the world.
7. You don't care so much what other people think of you. You do what feels right for you, rather than acquiesing to peer pressure.
8. You get lots of freebies and reduced price items.
9. You can say what you like and get away with it.
10. If you have a senior moment, everyone understands.

For most of us there is reduced stress as we age, more simplicity to our lives, and more time to pursue hobbies that we never had time for. Over the past 5 years I have taken up golf and renewed my passion for bridge and reading, things I never had time for while raising a family. There is so much that is good about getting old. Forget the wrinkles, the bulge around the waist, the gray hair. We're all going to get it if we live long enough. Life is not about how you look, but how you feel. The group of 15 at the beach today are all growing old with enthusiasm and a positive outlook toward life. That's what's gotten us this far, and that's what will help keep us around for many years to come.

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