Earth Day was created by congress more than 20 years ago, and each year communities find more ways to celebrate our beautiful planet. I remember Earth Day last year, and how many large corporations were trying to promote themselves by promoting Earth Day. They'd give you a free bag, or a free light bulb, or a free coffee, if you stopped into their store on Earth Day. It's good for them and it was good for the consumer.
This year I have thought more about I have changed over the past year, and if I am reducting my footprint on the earth. I came up with a few changes I have made, and although they are small changes, I feel I am moving in the right direction. Here are some of the changes I have made.
1. I ALWAYS carry canvas bags with me, and I never go into a store without one in hand. No more plastic bags (or paper) for me.
2. I USUALLY take my own coffee mug to the Y or to a coffee shop. I started doing this several years ago with a weight management group that met for coffee every week. We all decided to bring our own containers. I started doing the same thing at the Y, when they posted a "Go Green" sign, saying the Encinitas Y was using 180,000 paper cups a month.
3. I reduced my water bill by about 30%. Yes, a very rainy winter helped, but I have cut my watering to 2X per week. I'll stick with that unless my grass starts to die.
4. I reduced my SDGE by significantly. I have turned down the water heater when I'm out of town, I have unplugged electrical equipment that is not being used, and I turn out lights wherever possible. It does make a big difference.
5. I have started drinking tap water (filtered), adding my own flavors to make it taste better. I'm not much of a water drinker, but I try to drink it because I think it's good for me, but I want to get away from using store bought plastic bottles. They're not only expensive, but they're wasteful. Many bottles are recyclable, but many still end up in land fills. I have yet to do a story on the water industry, but I must do one soon.
These are a few concrete changes I have made over the past year. I have a long way to go. I will continue to try to find ways to cut down on the use of energy. I am in the process of getting a new car, and as much as I would love an electric car, it just doesn't work for me. (yet). When they have a longer range or more charging stations, I'll be on board. For right now, I'll have to do with a car with good mileage.
There are so many organizations committed to improving the environment, I couldn't begin to list them all. I will mention just a few, and if you have interest you can check them out and see what their mission is.
The canopy project, green schools, athletes for the earth, and arts for the earth, are just a few of the many organizations involved in Earth Day. If you do nothing else, just stop and think on Earth Day of one change you can make to help save our planet. I'm already thinking of what I can do in the coming year that will make my footprint even less.
Be sure to stop by Starbucks on April 22 with your reusable mug for a free coffee!!
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