I recently caught a segment of Dr. Oz that shocked me. It concerned the use of fake Botox that has caused illness and even death. Dr. Oz had a panel of doctors and patients talking about the subject, and what I heard convinced me that Botox is NOT something I want to try.
Botox was approved for cosmetic purposes many years ago, and millions of men and women have used it successfully. However, as it's popularity has increased, more doctors, other health professionals and spas have tried to get into this lucrative business. Even more frightening is the fake Botox that is being sold unbeknownst to some consumers, at great risk. The slightest amount of Botox, over the prescribed amount can be lethal, so it is imperative that the person doing the injection know what they are doing.
There is a medical oversight board that was created several years ago to oversee the industry. There has been a 20% increase in the use of fake Botox. That doesn't meant that 20% of the Botox is fake. It means more than 20% is fake. The real stuff has a hologram on the bottle, and anyone being injected should check the bottle and be sure that they are receiving the real stuff.
Who should be injecting you? According to the Dr. Oz Show, dermatologists, opthalomogists and plastic surgeons have the most experience and training in how to inject Botox. But you will find other doctors, like family practice doctors, dentists, and many others offering Botox service. Why? Money! All a health care professional needs to do is take a one day ON LINE course to become certified to inject Botox. Would you want a podiatrist doing open heart surgery on you? Today any medical professional can take the one day on line course and become certified. As a consumer, you should always ask about the experience level of the person injecting Botox.
Finally, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. If Botox injections are typically $1,000 and you find someone who will do it for $399, you are probably not getting the real thing. Beware.
Several years ago a friend of mine wanted to get a group of friends together and have a Botox party. That's not for me, and I'm happy I said no to that. Procedures such as Botox should be done in a doctor's office by trained professionals. I don't care how vain we are, it's not worth your health, or possibly your life, to have such procedures done by anyone other than very best. I'm much too chicken to do anything like Botox, chemical peels or facelifts. I've earned every line on my face, and I'll stick with the hand I've been dealt.
I agree whole heartedly Susie! Its just sad we've become a nation so totally vested in a youth culture...sure its tempting, but who are we kidding, unless you get the entire body lift, whats the point. And what IS the point anyways? I plan to enjoy my aged and aging body for many years to come, and put that $ towards trips to Italy and France like you :). Great post, thank you!