Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What Is COQ10?

Ron has been complaining about cold feet for several years now. He goes to bed with slippers on, if you can believe that. I too, have colder feet than I did just a few years ago, and I walk around in warm socks all the time. My first thought is bad circulation, but the Dr. has ruled that out. Ron thought that his cold feet might be due to diabetes. I thought that might be so, but decided to look further into the situation.

It turns out that statin drugs (lipitor, symvastatin, etc.) have many side effects, one of them being cold feet and tingling in feet. Apparently COQ10 is depleted when taking statins, and can cause cold feet. What is CoQ10? It's a natural chemical compound that we make in our bodies and consume in our diets, primarily from oily fish, organ meats and whole grains.

CoQ10 has the potential to vastly improve human health. It can help combat fatigue, obesity, and a weak immune system. It helps boost athletic performance and improves exercise tolerance in people with muscular dystrophy.

Studies show that cholesterol lowering statins seem to reduce the natural levels of CoQ10 in the body. Taking CoQ10 supplements can correct the deficiency caused by statins, without changing the medication's positive effects on cholesterol levels. For diabetics, sudden drops in blood sugar are of particular importance, and some studies have shown that CoQ10 might do this, so check with your doctor before even considering it. I am only letting you know what I have discovered. I have talked to my doctor, and both Ron and I have added it to the growing list of supplements we take.

There's a long list of other things CoQ10 might possibly do, like fighting heart disease and Alzheimer's. I'll be happy if we get rid of our cold feet. I remember when cholesterol lowering drugs became all the rage. Every doctor was recommending them. They would lower your cholesterol and fight heart disease. No one ever mentioned any major side effects (except muscle fatigue), but now years later the story is out. There are lots of side effects, and no one really tells you about them. I had to find this out on my own. You probably already knew all this. I just found it out and will take CoQ10 for the next few months and see if my feet warm up. Cold feet, warm heart.

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