Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Rules For A Happy Marriage

I was surfing the internet a while ago, when an article about how to have a successful marriage popped up. I read through their list of rules, and realized they are similar to my rules, although I do have some additions. Here's the list from the article, and after that, I'll add a few of my own.

1. Only criticize your own mother.2. Do not constantly correct your spouse. Offering a suggestion is one thing, but don't constantly correct.

3. Mention seeing old boyfriends. This doesn't apply at my age, but I can see where this is a good idea when you're younger. Chances are, someone will see you talking to an ex that you just ran into and tell your spouse about it. Beat them to the punch.

4. Don't fight old battles. If you have issues and have resolved them, let them be. If they're not resolved, revisit them and clear the air.

5. Don't threaten. Don't talk about divorce unless you really mean it.

6. Pick your battles. Don't make everything into an issue. Make sure it is something important before you get into it with your spouse.

7. Make sure your spouse is always number one.

8. Don't do your spouses chores for him/her, even if you can do them faster and better. Everyone needs some responsibilities.

Here are a few more that I think make for a happy marriage

1. Allow your spouse the space to be his/her own person, and encourage him/her to grow.

2. Never go to bed angry.

3. Tell your spouse you love him/her everyday.

We've been happily married for almost 44 years, and we follow most of these rules. There are ups and downs in all marriages, but communicating, listening, understanding, and compromising will lead to many happy years together.

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