Inspired by Scotland's separatist ambitions, 89% of the residents of Venice, Italy and its surrounding area, voted in a referendum to break away from Italy. The proposed "Repubblica Veneta" would include the five million residents of the Veneto region and could later expand to include parts of Lombardy, Trentino and Friuli-Venezia Giulia.
Venice has only been a part of Italy for 150 years. Wealthy Venetians have rallied to secede from Italy, after growing tired of supporting Italy's poor and crime ridden Mezzogiorno south, through high taxation. They say that Venice has been forgotten, and all their taxes are going to other regions of the country. Activists have been working closely with the SNP on their joint agendas, even travelling to Scotland alongside Catalonians and Basque separatists to take part in pro independence rallies.>p>
I've always felt that, although Italian is the language you hear on the streets and canals of Venice, it has an almost magical quality, unlike anyplace else in Italy. I don't know how Venetians think, but this recent vote tells me they are tired of not getting what they consider their fair share. One Italian historian said that although history never repeats itself, we are now experiencing a strong return of little nations, small and prosperous countries, able to interact among each other in the global world. So next time you book a trip to Southern Europe, you may have a chance to visit a new country, Venice.
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