Monday, November 24, 2014

What Starbucks Isn't Telling You

There's a blog I just discovered called  It's very informative.  It will tell you more information than you care to know about your favorite foods, and make you think twice about eating them.  I recently learned some information about Starbuck's, some of which I already knew, some of which was new to me.

Many people do not like the strong, sometimes bitter taste of Starbucks coffee.  To many the beans seem burned, which creates a strong, bitter taste.  In response to this Starbucks has created coffee in several different strengths, including blonde, their weakest coffee.  In a taste test with six other coffees (I don't know what brand all six were), Starbucks came in last.  Folger's beat them!

Their lattes and macciatos are extremely popular, but do you know what is actually in them?  The pumpkin latte, a fall favorite, has no real pumpkin, carmel color, and several chemicals.  You probably weren't expecting that.  Starbucks has many fancy drinks listed on their menu, but you can "create your own."  There are many combo drinks that customers have created, one of them being the fruity pebbles Frappuccino.  It's a mixture of several different flavors.  At my local Starbucks they have a creation "for dogs only," which I have seen, but Pepper has not tried it yet.

Finally, the calories.  No one likes to think about them, but the average fancy frappuccio drink has 400-500 calories.  That's quite a lot for a snack.  Add a muffin or scone for 350-400, and you have an almost 1,000 calorie snack (or meal).  That's way more than anyone should be having.

If you love your Starbucks like I do, there are several ways to keep the calories down.  I generally get plain black coffee, but if you don't like that, the lattes are delicious, and you can order them with non fat milk.  If you must get a frappuccio, get the one with skim milk, and no sugar.  (they use an artificial sweetener, but there's only so much you can do), and it cuts the calories in half.  Finally, I never buy any of their baked goods.  First, most of them are no good, and second, they're no good for you.  So keep your morning ritual of a visit to Starbucks, but mind what you order.  If you want, ask to look at the nutritional book which lists calories and ingredients for all products.  It's a real eye opener.

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