Wednesday, December 28, 2016

A Day At The Park, The Dog Park That Is

Every day around 4pm, a group of Ocean Hills residents congregate at our on site dog park.  The dogs love it, and so do the people.  Over the almost two years that I've lived here, I have learned a lot about all the people who visit the park regularly.  We watch out for each other, call to make sure everything's ok if someone doesn't show up for a few days, and take care of each others dogs when necessary. 

We have an interesting group of park regulars.  There's a commercial pilot who used to fly for LBJ.  He's got so many interesting stories.  There is a nurse, a lawyer, a teacher,  an engineer, a psychologist, several retired military men, an insurance salesman, and a variety of other talented people.  We have Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, and Independents.  We have had some lively political discussions over the past year, and I'm sure there will be lots more conversation once the new president takes office.

Time at the park is as much for the people as it is for the dogs.  Some dogs don't play at all.  They just sit on their owners' laps.  Others, like Pepper, have their favorite dogs to play with.  Pepper loves Carli, and waits patiently for her to arrive each day.  He also enjoys playing with Mr. Snuggles.  Dillon, a double doodle, grew up at the park.  Don and MaryAnn started bringing him to the park when he was three months old.  He is a year old now, and he loves to play ball.  He was so rambunctious when he first came to the park.  Now he is full of energy but well behaved.  Then there's Bruce, all six pounds of him, barking at the gate as each dog arrives.  Charlie is the playground supervisor.  He will bark and bark as other dogs play, and we think he is telling them to behave.

It's a great group.  Our ages range from 55 to 97.  Paul, the oldest member of the dog park regulars, is quite amazing.  He never forgets a name, never forgets anything you tell him.  Socialization is one of the things that keeps people young.  We'll keep on visiting the dog park.  It keeps us young, and keeps our dogs young, too.

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