Friday, December 21, 2018

Why Do Women Live Longer Than Men?

It's been a question we've asked for years, and there have been many scientific studies to determine the answer.  Is it hard work, X and Y chromosomes, lifestyle, lots of testerone and not much estrogen, or something else?  It's hardly likely that hard  work leads to a shorter life, but the biological makeup of men may have a lot to do with longevity.  Women have 2X chromosomes, which is helpful to them as cells age.  They have another cell that can take over for the aging cell.  This is not so for men, who have an X and a Y chromosome.

Studies have found that testosterone may be the culprit.  Studies with Korean monks (eunuchs) found that  castrated males lived significantly longer than other males.  On the other hand, estrogen works as an antioxident, meaning it mops up poisonous chemicals that cause cells stress.  So men, all that testosterone that creates a hairy chest, big muscles and a deep voice, may be hurting you in the long run.

Personally, I think that stress has a great deal to do with longevity, and women typically handle stress better than men.  I'm sure some will disagree with me, but studies show that this is true.  Stress can lead to disease, especially cardiovascular disease, and men have a higher rate of cardiovascular disease than women.  Stress also leads to an inability of the body to fight off other illnesses.  When do you get sick?  When you're run down and stressed.

So women, keep doing what you're doing.  Throughout the world, through the generations, women have had longer life expectancies, and that doesn't seem to change.  Men, well, I don't know what to say.  Getting rid of your testicles seems to be a little extreme.  Just keep your life balanced, learn to deal with stress, and stay healthy.  Here in Ocean Hills there are many men and women over 95, and if you ask each one of them, they'll each have a different recipe for longevity.  There is no simple answer.

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