Friday, August 20, 2010

Sleepless in San Diego

I've never been a great sleeper. Most of my adult life I have awakend at least twice during the night. In the past it's been because Barney would snuggle up to me or Ron's breathing would awaken me. Neither of those things are causing me to awaken, but I am still a restless sleeper. The difference is that now when I awaken I can't go back to sleep. Four or five hours of sleep refreshes me, and when I wake up at 3am I'm wide awake. This has been going on for months. I've tried counting sheep, I've tried counting backwards, I've tried relaxation exercises and I've tried reading. I've even tried TV. You wouldn't believe what you find on television in the middle of the night.

Last night I awoke at 3:15am and turned on Meet the Press. Lucky it was Sunday night so I could at least watch something interesting. Most of the viewing is paid programming. Our culture is obsessed with health and appearance, and most of the infomercials fall into these two categories. Some of the shows I might have watched last night include Zumba Dance, Get Sexier in 90 Days, Bare Minerals Makeup, Look Younger in 14 Days, Stop Memory Loss, Seductive Hair Secrets, Size Matters, Your Baby Can Read, Smartest Kid in Class, and Clear Skin for Summer. I hope I can sleep until 4:30am, because that's when the networks start their morning programming. They all start with a business and finance program, then at 5am they start the morning news.

Turning on the TV is my last resort, but at least I've got that. With over 900 channels to choose from you'd think there would be something interesting. Sorry, that's not the case. I wish I was someone who could take a pill and sleep through the night. I never have, and never will. I'll just keep counting sheep, doing my relaxation exercises and watching boring TV as a last resort.

1 comment:

  1. I have the very same problems....a few years back I started using Melatonin, have you tried it? Google if for more info. It really has helped me fall asleep faster and sleep longer. Good luck :)
