Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Be Prepared!

The Boy Scout motto "Be Prepared." rang in my ears as I recently had to deal with Ron's health issues.  Assuming that everything will be all right after a medical procedure is just not a good idea.  I have first hand experience that many after surgery experiences are not good.  Without going into the details of exactly what happened (TMI), i will say that if I had been more prepared, things would have gone more smoothly.

First and foremost, I am making a list to tape on my refrigerator, with the following information: nearest fire department with phone number,  name of closest ER or Urgent Care and phone and address, name of primary care doctor and phone number, name of specialist doctors and phone number, name of the closest ALL NIGHT pharmacy (preferably with delivery) for prescriptions that might be called in after hours, names and numbers of others who may need to be notified in an emergency.  The latter would include parents or children that might need to be contacted, names and phone numbers of neighbors who will help out in an emergency (make sure they have a key or know where to find the key), name and phone number of DOG WALKER or health care person who may be needed.

Having  this information at hand will make your life easier.  Many of us do not think clearly in an emergency situation, and having this information on hand will decrease your stress.  If the patient has recently been hospitalized, have the name and number of who to call at the hospital in case of emergency.  This is important.  They have the patients information and can give you advice that may take hours to get otherwise.  In my case, Ron was hospitalized on Thanksgiving evening.  Try to get a doctor then!  I did.  I had the number of the on call doctor where he had been hospitalized.  She called me back in less than five minutes, gave me good advice, and I took him to Scripps ER.  Had she not been there to advise me, I'm not sure what I would have done.  She had Ron's records and recent medical history and could easily assess the situation.

So, know that emergencies are going to arise.  Not all are going to be life threatening, but when they do, you may panic and be stressed.  Having the above information at your fingertips will help.  We all think these things will not happen to us and hopefully they won't, but the Boy Scout motto "Be Prepared" will serve you well.  Just do it and hope you never need it.

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