The Greeks are among the longest living people on the planet. Why is this so? It's a combination of a number of factors, including diet and lifestyle. We have all heard about the Mediterranean Diet and it's health benefits, but what is it exactly and why is it so good for us?
The Mediterranean diet refers to the diet of all countries in the Mediterranean, including Greece, Turkey, Italy, and many Middle Eastern countries. It is high in fruits and vegetables, low in animal fat (saturated fat), and loaded with fresh ingredients. Historically, Greeks ate what was seasonally fresh from the garden, which added variety to their diet. Today, with packaged foods and busy lifestyle, Greeks living in large cities face the same dietary challenges that we do, but their traditional diet has proved beneficial for thousands of years, so health conscious individuals worldwide are following it. Tons and tons of vegetables are served at both lunch and dinner, perhaps four or five at each meal. Lots of beans, lentils and chickpeas are staples in the diet, as are yogurt, fish and chicken. Very little red meat is eaten. Olive oil is oil of choice, and nuts and dried fruits are also part of their diet. Following this diet helps reduce cholesterol, blood sugar and weight.
Additional factors that lead to long life for the Greeks are exercise. Just simple walking for 30-45 minutes every day helps keep them fit and trim. An afternoon nap is also part of their traditional regime, and experts feel that this might help lead to better health.
Greeks are a fun loving, social people, and experts also feel that gathering with family and friends to share a meal has many health benefits. It can reduce stress and tension. That's what I read! So, don't eat alone. Maybe when you eat with people you are busy talking and laughing and don't eat so much. The focus is not just on the food. A little wine, preferably red wine everyday, is also part of the Mediterranean diet.
One other thing that Greeks do every year is follow the fasting rules for the 40 days of Lent. They eat nothing that comes from creatures with blood in its veins. Many Greeks also fast before other Christian holidays. It sounds like a form of detox to me, which many feel is very beneficial to the body.
The Mediterranean Diet is a very simple diet. It contains fresh foods with no preservatives, small amounts of protein from animals or fish, high amounts of protein from beans, yogurt and low fat cheeses, olive oil, nuts and dried fruits. It all sounds great to me. Add a short walk everyday, and you too can live like a Greek. The stress, now that's something I can't help you with, but maybe that afternoon nap will help. Do all this and you may live forever!
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