I flew to Phoenix a few weeks ago to visit friends Phil and Ellen. You might remember them from one of my Monday blogs. They were the couple that came to visit Ron in March, passed a slow driver in the parking lot, and were turned away. They felt terrible, Ron and I felt terrible, but we all learned something. The rules are the rules at Taft, no ifs, ands or buts.
My visit to Phoenix was two fold: it gave me a chance to relax, and it also gave me a chance to get to know Phil and Ellen better. They live in Paradise Valley. Their home is nestled in the hills, with a beautiful panoramic view of Phoenix in one direction, and mountains and cactus in all other directions. I could have spent hours in their backyard, enjoying the spectacular scenary. My visit with them was just what I needed.
Phil and Ellen went to high school with Ron, so they've known each other for over 55 years. I only met them about 10 years ago, and every time we've seen them, it's been the four of us. Well, this visit was just the three of us, and I'm so glad I had the opportunity to spend some quality time with each of them separately and as a couple. I know now why Ron has talked so highly about them for so many years. Wonderful people, great friends, and so much fun to be with.
One day Ellen and I decided to visit the Desert Botanical Gardens. It is almost entirely succulents, something I'm very interested in. It also has some desert wildflowers. I was there about one week too early. One more week and everything would have been in bloom, but I still got a chance to see many blooming succulants. It was spectacular. They also had a butterfly pavillion, which although I've seen them many times, is always a delight. This is truly someplace to see on any trip to Phoenix.
Ellen and I had a delicious lunch at the garden cafe, talked alot and really got to know each other. It was a great afternoon.
Another great attraction in Phoenix is the MIM, the Musical Instrument Museum. This is unlike any museum I have ever been to. Plan on 4 hours to really see it. It covers every part of the globe, every country, every kind of music. For example, you walk into Africa, and then go through displays, country by country with audio headsets explaining the video you are watching. All the native instruments are displayed, and the music is played for you to watch and listen to. As if that's not enough, they have a huge interactive room where kids and adults, can try out many instruments. It's fun and informative for all ages. I would highly recommend this museum to anyone going to Phoenix.
Our evenings in Phoenix were spent engaged in one of my favorite pasttimes, eating, but I'll talk about some of our interesting meals at another time. For now, it's enough to say that Phoenix is much more than just desert. Museums of all kinds, architecture that will inspire you, and outdoor activities(if it's not too hot)that will get your heart pumping. Thank you, Phil and Ellen, for showing me such warm hospitality. Next time, come to San Diego and I'll show you my city.
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