Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Our Year Celebration

Ron and I are not much for holidays and celebrations. We believe that Mother's Day, Father's Day, Valentine's Day, and other such holidays, should be EVERYDAY. I hope to be a good mother and daughter, wife and companion everyday of the year, not just one day to make the card companies and the chocolate companies rich. However, we decided to start our own holiday, and our first celebration will be on January 11.

January 11 is the day that Ron self surrendered to Taft, in 2010. This will be the first January 11 that he has been home, and we will celebrate the day. It's sort of a "I'm happy to be alive, to be free, to live in San Diego and to be healthy" celebration all in one. I'm still thinking of a name for this holiday, that is just ours, and ours alone. Other couples celebrate the day they met or the day they got engaged. We will celebrate our special day on the last day together before our separation.

Our plan is simple. Go to a nice happy hour, have a few hors d'oeuvres and a nice glass of wine, enjoy each other, appreciate what we have together, and talk about how difficult experiences have brought us closer and made us stronger. Sounds a little corny now that I'm writing it down, but for us I believe it will be meaningful. Often when life gets busy you need to reflect on where you are, how you got there, and where you're going. It's also just a nice time to be together. Too often we don't take time to appreciate each other, tell each other how much we appreciate them, and poof, life is over. Or someone gets sick and it's too late.

No, it's not a national holiday, but for us January 11 will forever be our "special" day. Please send me suggestions on what we should call this holiday. I don't have a name for it yet. Oh, and by the way, January 11 is also a special day for us, as it is the birthday of our daughter-in-law Deborah. Happy birthday Deborah.

1 comment:

  1. I suggest simply Surrender Day and all that entails,including Rons surrendering his freedom...the whole concept of releasing control and letting the universe take charge...opening yourselves up to whatever may come, and embracing it, knowing you are both strong enough to survive, come what may.
