Monday, February 6, 2012

What A Difference A Day Makes

I had my knee surgery on Tuesday, Jan 31. I am writing this three days after surgery. I had the same surgery 4 1/2 years ago, and although my knee was never really better after the scope, I don't remember the recovery being very painful. This time around was different.

The surgery went well. I arrived at the surgical center at 6:30, met the doctor who reviewed what he was going to do, and by 10am I was home. Dr. Padilla told me that he had given me a numbing shot, so I would be feeling no pain for about 10 hours. I went home feeling fantastic, never anticipating what was to come. About 15 hours after the procedure, the pain began. I was popping vicodin every four hours for the next day. I never remember the pain being that bad the first time around. Wednesday was a terrible day.

Thursday morning I got up and knew I had turned the corner. Even though I had taken pain medication during the night, I could tell I was on the mend. By Friday I was feeling great. Yes, I'm still limping, but I feel terrific, in fact I'm going to walk down to the corner this morning. No, I'm not quite back to spinning yet, but I will start physical therapy on Tuesday, and hope to be back at the Y for a stretch class in about a week. What a difference a day makes.

I'm going to listen to the doctor. Since my knee shows bone on bone in many places, I will more than likely have to have a knee replacement in a few years. Of course I'll do whatever I can to prevent that. Dr. Padilla said everyone is different. It's possible I may tolerate the pain and not have to have surgery.

In the mean time I will enjoy my last weekend of being waited on by my wonderful male nurse. He's been great. Changing icepacks, adjusting pillows, making dinner (yes, it's true), walking Pepper. It's nice to be waited on for a few days, but I'm ready to get back to my old self again. I'm feeling great.

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