Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What Would You Do If You Won The Lottery?

For several days Lotto fever was in the air. Everywhere you went there was talk about the $640million jackpot. I would drive by shopping centers and mini markets and see people standing outside urging passersby to buy a ticket. I can say I have never bought a lottery ticket, which gives me a slightly less chance of winning than everyone who does buy lottery tickets. Not buying a ticket does not keep me from fantasizing about what it would be like to win that kind of money. Everyone thinks about it. I was at the Y this morning and the 2 young men at the desk were talking about what they would do if they won. They both agreed they would keep their job.

So what would you do if you won 1/3 of $640million? After taxes, and if you take it in one lump sum as I would, considering my age, you've still got over $100million. I would start by paying off the mortgage on my kids houses, and buying a house for the one who doesn't own. Then I would buy a house for myself. Next, I would put $200,000 away for each grandchild in an education fund that would hopefully get them all through college. I would also plan an extravagent vacation for our whole family, grandma, kids, grandkids.

The rest of the money would be put into a charitable foundation which I would use to fund charities that I believe in and future projects that I feel are worthwhile. I would try to set up something local to teach children about healthy eating and get local schools to serve healthy meals. I have always believed that all change is local, so my idea of changing childrens' eating habits and their exercise habits, would lead to better health in the community. I would spend my time looking for projects I felt were valuable to donate to, and creating new ones.

The one thing I wouldn't do is go on a spending spree for myself. I am happy with my lifestyle. I don't need boats or planes or second homes or expensive jewelry. I would want to make sure my family was taken care of. Then I would find worthwhile organizations to donate to. If I was younger and still working, I would very likely give up my job and work full time for a charitable group of my choice.

It's fun to fantasize about this, but for me I know it will never happen. Who wants to be faced with crazy relatives and friends coming out of the woodwork asking for money? It's nuts what happens to some of these people who win mega millions. One day I'll do a blog on what has happened to some of the big winners over the years. When you don't have alot, you know who your real friends are.

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